Cultural Awareness

dimanche 9 août 2015

Has anyone ever been outside of the "comfort zone" before? How about, even realizing just because that's the way A. does it, B. should be exactly the same, but could be vastly different than what you are used to and nether are right or wrong?

Let me get to my point, I'm proud to be an American, BUT I've also never taken the time out to expand my horizon (besides TV, but lets not even go there), nor have traveled aboard (or even to Canada for that matter and it's closer lol)

If you aren't interested in how the rest of the world views, reacts or does, then the only aspects of life you have to go on, is what you see in front of you, on a day in and day out basis, ever since you've been old enough to understand anything.

I accuse myself for being one of ignorance (which is even more funny coming from an African American lol), but something has now awoken within me to see things just a little bit differently.

It would be nice to take my head out of my own ass and look around a little bit. Hell, I might even cure my depression!! :D :D

I believe I once saw a tag here that said "Stop the ignorance and get the knowledge." Truer Words have never been spoken, for now I wish to become a student of life.

Thank you all for taking the time out to read this <3
Cultural Awareness

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