Why does our childhood imagination die?

dimanche 9 août 2015

Lately, I've been trying to connect with my little side. It's been successful to a certain extent, but I can't deny that it feels forced. The other day I had some old toys out and I really wanted to enjoy playing with them the way I used to, but I just couldn't. It's like I forgot how. I vividly remember how I'd be able to create my own little world for these toys fueled only by my imagination and I'd have a wonderful time. I used to be able to make a game out of anything and turn the most mundane task into an adventure. I used to be so creative and easily inspired when I was little. I miss that.

I'm just wondering what happened exactly? Why does it seem that as we get older this little part of ourselves just seems to gradually die off? I know this doesn't necessarily happen to everyone, as there are tons of brilliant creative minds who never really lose this side of themselves, but the vast majority can probably relate to this. I'd really love to be able to tap into that little kid in me but I just don't know what happened to it.
Why does our childhood imagination die?

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