Last to know, as usual. (Anyone else?)

dimanche 9 août 2015

Okay, so.

I thought my liking of little things just extended to younger girl type toys. Ponies, Barbies and such. Turns out I played a trick on myself. As time went on, I realized that I also bought:

~ Two sippy cups, both adorable. (They were just SO cute in design, after all.)
~ Many vintage 80's baby blankets. (LOVE the fabric!)
~ Super-absorbent extra huge pads (Just in case... of what exactly? I have control, and my periods are NOT catastrophic, so why??)

...And then I realized I slowed down in the baby section while shopping. I looked at cribs. (Oh wow, this one is cute...) and the diaper aisle. (I wonder if those big ones would fit me...)

The diaper aisle is what gave me pause. I realized something.
That stuff I kept buying? I didn't want it for a future child. I wanted it for ME.

...Yet again, I was the last to know.

Is this common? Have any of you guys been in a similar situation?
Last to know, as usual. (Anyone else?)

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