Hello there everyone! c:

lundi 10 août 2015

You can call me Angel! I'm a 22 year old, (going on 4 or so), queer, transman Little kitty boy. I'm engaged to a beautiful person who supports me in all I do, especially my search for a caregiver and my habit of being a Little one. I'm also interested in ab, I only have a paci and sippy cup at the moment, am ordering some nice cuddly jammies, but unsure if I want to go as far as diapers.

As long as you're friendly and willing to talk I can usually carry on a conversation with most anyone. To be forewarned I'm a fairly silly and goofy person so I'll joke and laugh about things a lot. You can usually catch me watching cartoons, playing video games, or chatting with close friends. Feel free to chat me up! Don't be afraid that I'll bite...fear my hug and snuggle attack instead. >:3
Hello there everyone! c:

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