Hi everyone!

lundi 10 août 2015

Hi, I'm just a diaper loving Dragonferret from the midwest and kinda submissive and shy. Especially around new people, who I don't really know.

I've been a diaper lover since just about out of highschool, when a bed wetting problem turned into something more *blushes*. I don't wear all the time anymore, but I actually feel more relaxed and happy when I do wear. Wanted to find other like minded people, and not to feel so alone and weird.

Some of my other interests are movies, I love to go out with other people and see something new or exciting. It makes me feel really relaxed to be with others in a group setting despite being kinda shy.

I also love videogames, most notably the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn/Heavensward. I play that particular one almost everyday if I can for a few hours. I'm on the Mateus Server, and my main is a Lv60 Machinist (Ilvl184). *blushes* I've always joked that my future lover would have to like playing games too.

I've been a chubby butt furry for quite awhile, but decided I wanted to change that and got into Bike Riding. I ride my dads old Trek 7700, and did one day of RAGBRAI in Iowa. Only made it 42 out of the 73 miles that day, felt really bad so I go biking whenever I can. I want to do all 7 days of Ragbrai next year.

I guess my number one interest is being a Furry, I'm Nanaja the Dragonferret! I have a big ol' Fluffy tail, and just attended my very first fur convention in Denver. Rocky Mountain Fur Con! *blushes* I'll be coming back next year, and would like to meet some of my other diaper fur friends.

I found your sight actually looking for other diaper furs here at RMFC, and decided to join so I could be part of a community that cares about our crinkles and each other. *blushes* thank you all for listening (reading?) my rant and I hope to get to know some of you.
Hi everyone!

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