Introduction/College in Diapers?

mardi 18 août 2015

Hey everyone, kind of a closet tdl here- thought I'd get some opinions as I get ready to move on to the next chapter of my life. I've been interested in diapers off and on for awhile now (bedwetter until 12ish) and then around 15 or 16 started getting interested in diapers. Anyways, once I got my license I started getting a little more freedom, and over the past year have just been getting store bought diapers like goodnites, depends (wish they were the tabs instead of pullups) and some baby diapers. Anyways, for the most part I've been pretty good about concealing them (in a compartment and bag in my room that nobody ever goes in and I never use anymore, except my dad found out while I was out of state recently and confronted me about it, and asked me if there was a problem. I just kind of played it off and told him if there was a problem I'd tell him and not to worry, and that was that. Anyways... obviously moving off to college soon I'll have a roomate, and knowing his schedule I know there's several times where I won't have class and he does. In general what do you guys think about wearing in college?
Introduction/College in Diapers?

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