more diaper dreams

mercredi 5 août 2015

I've been having a lot of these recently, which is unusual for me. Last night I dreamed I discovered I had a large bag of "new snuggies overnights" in my diaper cabinet. Not the blue colored ones that came out recently. These had the same color scheme as the regular waddlers, (more of a white and pink) with several changes. The diaper was several inches longer, so in the front it landed well above my belly button, there were three tapes per side instead of two, and the padding was extremely thick and stiff. As stiff as the original Dry247's, and at least twice as thick. It wasn't quite as comfortable as they usually are, and was stiff enough that I was having difficulty getting any kind of fold in the crotch. I couldn't bring my legs together, my legs were kept several inches apart, making it difficult to walk normally.
more diaper dreams

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