What's the coolest thing you own?

mercredi 5 août 2015

What's the coolest thing that you own, and what's the story behind it?

Mine is probably my Eddie Van Halen guitar pick. Back in the early 90's my dad got the chance to see Van Halen on their OU812 tour. The seating was first come first serve so him and his friend got there 12 hours in advance so they could get seats in the front row. It turned out the seats they chose were right in front of Eddie too. Well, during one of the songs Eddie flung his pick out into the crowd and my dad caught it! Many years later when I was about 11 I was just getting into music and I absolutely idolized Eddie Van Halen. I thought he was the greatest guitarist ever, so naturally I thought it was super awesome that my dad owned something of his. So when I turned 12, my dad gave me that pick that precious guitar pick as a gift. It still hangs in my room today and I still smile with pride every time I see it.
What's the coolest thing you own?

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