A Good, Mature, Description of ABDL to Refer People to?

mercredi 12 août 2015

Hello eveyone! :)

I'm a writer of ABDL fiction. You might know me from my story, "Raquel's Only Wish" on this forum. Lately, I've been branching out of the ABDL world and sharing my story with mainstream audiences over on Wattpad. (A site and mobile app for writers to share fiction).

I started doing this for two reasons. First, so that I can receive more feedback and grow as a writer. Second, to create more exposure for the ABDL world, helping more people to understand and accept us. Therefor creating a safer, more understanding environment for future generations of ABDL's who come out to their loved ones.

My story is very character oriented with minimal sexual / diaper content so I think that helps a lot. So far, the response I've received has been overwhelmingly positive. Hundreds of people who have never even heard of ABDL before have been approaching it with an open, non-judgmental mind and they've given me a lot of great feedback.

However, I've also received a lot of private messages from people asking me to explain what ABDL is exactly. They've pointed out to me that Google doesn't offer a lot of useful information on the subject. I tested this out for myself and the first two pages of results for "ABDL" consist entirely of:

The Urban Dictionary Definition,
The ABDL hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, Vine and DeviantArt
Random quizzes and blogs
Random YouTube videos

As you can imagine, none of these "resources" offer a good first impression. The Urban Dictionary definition is the most obvious choice, and the only thing that does is explain the meaning of the acronym, followed by immature examples.

My question is, is there a good, accurate and mature description of ABDL on the internet that I can refer my readers to? Furthermore, (and this may be slightly more ambitious) if such an article / definition exists, can we begin linking to from other sources? In my experience with search engine optimization, a little bit of work can go a long way when it comes to ranking higher on Google. This could do a lot for our community as a whole and how we're perceived by the rest of the world.
A Good, Mature, Description of ABDL to Refer People to?

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