YouTube Videos Don't Display

samedi 22 août 2015

So ever since I upgraded to Windows 7 a week ago or whenever it was, for some reason youtube videos won't display. Like the audio is fine but the video is just black. It was fine in Windows 2000 but it won't work properly in 7.

And even weirder, when I'm on a different tab on my web browser and I hover the mouse over to the youtube page, I can see the video (just a still image obviously but it's there) and the same happens with that preview thing when you hover the mouse over minimized stuff.

I have a feeling it may be my graphics card (nvidia geforce FX5200) since it isn't supported in Windows 7 but I can't find a better one for my AGP system for a decent price. So could it be the graphics card? I've installed the vista drivers since those are the latest ones you can get but I still have the issue. Not too sure what to do. Oh and I've tried different web browsers and none of them work.
YouTube Videos Don't Display

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