
lundi 31 août 2015

I am an avid runner whole is currently attending college to be an automotive mechanic. I mostly joined this site to lurk around and read the forums.

hello again....from nyc.

i have never really actively tried to partake in any conversations, but i read them often. i have only met two other AB/DLs in nyc, but there must be waaaay more out there, i imagine. i thought i would finally reach out and see who else might be within 500 miles....i consider that relatively close for an anyone with AB/DL interests. i have been wearing most of my life and over the past year have become a semi-regular bedwetter...i wet the bed until late as a child and after wearing mostly every night on and off for a couple years and just letting go, i have found that i wake up wet more often than not. it would be great to make some friends on the east coast. i wear just about every day that i dont have work or responsibilities tend to. apart from those interests, i am very active and also like to just stay home and watch movies most nights as opposed to going out on the town. anyone else feel the need for a local diapered friend? i am attractive and fit and not a total creep....in case any female ab/dls might be curuious. ha....not looking for sexual relations though, just friends. :)
hello again....from nyc.

Another reintroduction!

Hi all! I just felt the need for a reintroduction since I've finally changed my name! ^.^ My new name is lilkayden formally known as lilaznboy ^.^ I've been a member on Adisc for a little under 5 years now, and I was a lurker for maybe a year before I joined Adisc.

I decided to change my name because I finally found a suitable name for my fursona, see profile picture. My fursona is a young shy independent wolf that has brown fur. Kayden can be pretty friendly especially after declaring that the user is no threat to him. He loves hugs and pats on the head ^.^

Also I'm a AB/DL around the ages or 3-4. Usually I'm friendly and likes to make friends. Growing up in a neighborhood where other kids were non-existent, I'm pretty shy at first and will speak when I warm up to you. I do prefer riding solo when I need to zone out and just need some time out time. More or less it's better not to disturb me when I'm in that state of mind.

My hobbies includes gaming, #PCMasterRace, anime, and anything computer related. I play mmorpg, fps, rts, and simulation games. I watch a lot of anime. I like anime that's scifi, mecca, and vr related.

Career wise I have a BS in Computer Networking and I work as a level 1 helpdesk tech, sys admin, application support, and security specialist at a independent peer review company. I don't currently hold any certs, but I do have around 5 years of corporate experience and 10 years of overall experience in this field.

In other news I'm still the owner and operator of the Adisc official Minecraft server for EC+ members. I don't have to much news on the current state of the server and it's future at this time. I however would like to say that it's still up for anyone that wants to go on...

I feel like this intro is getting pretty long... :sweatdrop: Anyways thanks for reading, *passes out cookies to the readers* ^.^
Another reintroduction!

Chicago Cubs are into adult onesies :-)

To celebrate a no-hitter in LA, the Chicago Cubs all wore adult onesies (as in footie pajamas, not baby undies) on the plane home. The photo in today's Tribune shows them hanging at Dodger Stadium all dressed to go (to bed, I presume), including a couple of stuffies.

Way cute.

Chicago Cubs are into adult onesies :-)

College not leaving any time for Adisc

I just started college last week, and obviously there has been a LOT of homework. Lots and lots of writing in particular which can be very time consuming and very mentally depleting (and fun at times as I enjoy writing). But this brings me to my issue; I immediately noticed that once I started going to classes and studying on a regular basis, as well as trying to fit in time for relaxation, socializing, and hobbies, I've noticed my time on this site has taken a nose dive.

I've tried to get on here a few times over the last week but I just have the mental energy to read and make quality posts, not to mention my interest in my little side has also gone down tremendously. It's really bumming me out because I love posting here and I really love enriching my little side. It also just really bothers me when I go awhile without being active on here for whatever reason. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit since it's only been a week, but the change has been very noticeable.

Are there any other college students here experience this? Or can anyone relate at all? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
College not leaving any time for Adisc


Just found out i have babypowder from 1992

Allergic to Dry 24/7 diapers???

Howdy. So, first off, these are my all time favorite diapers. They hold a ton and are very very comfy and thick. My problem is I get eczema if I wear them for a few nights in a row and it gets pretty bad to the point I have to go to the Doctors. I've never had this happen with Abena or Molicare and I've wore those every night for years straight. I can't really go more than 3 or 4 night in a Dry 24/7 or it happens again. Any thoughts?
Allergic to Dry 24/7 diapers???

Checking wetness?

When I wear out in public, I find myself really bad at judging whether or not my diaper needs changing or can take another wetting just by the feeling of wearing it. I have to find a toilet to pull my jeans down and check/feel how wet it is.

I'm interested to know if others have to do proper diaper checks when out and about?
Checking wetness?

Accidents while changing >=(

It's happened at him a bunch of times but today happened at work. No one (at my work) knows about my incontinence. We have a single person bathroom with no locking door so waiting for an snort bathroom and tucking a diaper between my pants and shirt and getting on there provides a challenge already.
So today I'm in the bathroom changing and some one walks in and takes a leak while I'm mid change. I'm trying not to move so that they don't her the crinkle. As soon as they start I walk out my bladder says "muwahahaha. Got ya" an I start peeing on the floor. I quick try to stop myself (pinch the line) but pee a little on the back of my pants. I finally take care of things, diaper myself and wipe the floor clean.
Fortunately my pants were not as bad as I thought and I got away somewhat clean. If I had that accident a second or two earlier that person would have known that I peed on the floor. I can only imagine what thy would have asked.
What do you all do in situations like this?
Accidents while changing >=(

Bad Baby

Hello My name is D.J.. I'm looking for someone to change my diapers 24/7. I do have messy diapers every day. This is why i call myself Bad Baby.
Bad Baby

Hello All

Greetings All,

I obviously just signed up on this site. I've known about it for some time now, but never took the time to register. Well, I finally did. I have a huge interest in diapers and I have for as long as I can remember.

I enjoy my life! I work in IT and couldn't ask for a better career. My wife and I married 4 years ago and we have 3 wonderful children. Among some of my hobbies are Golf, Fishing, and of course spending time with my family.

I'm looking forward to being a part of this community and sharing my thoughts with those who care to read them. I hope that this site is what everyone says it is. Just being a part of something like this could be just what I'm looking for.

I thank you for your time reading my introduction, and look forward to being an active member of the forums.

I hope your day is going as well as mine at the moment.

Hello All


Hi everybody,

New here, I have been a Diaper Lover for several years, I try to wear as often as I can although it is still a secret from those around me.

I'm looking to make friends with similar others to share experiences and support through the often difficult parts of being a DL.

I have a professional job which I enjoy and keeps me busy, other than wearing diapers, I enjoy swimming and going to the gym regularly.

Look forward chatting.

So This is my Computer

So.. I had to open up my computer the other night to have a look at one of my PCI cards, and I decided to take a few pics and post them here in case anyone is interested. I talk quite a lot about it, so here's my custom built desktop:

Click image for larger version.  Name: motherboard-small.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 181.0 KB  ID: 24627 Click image for larger version.  Name: graphics-small.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 177.0 KB  ID: 24628 Click image for larger version.  Name: cpu-fan-small.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 149.0 KB  ID: 24629
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I called him Rainbow Dash ^_^ (yes I know on the show Rainbow Dash is a girl but it’s my computer so shut up :) ) I built him on the 27th of June, 2015 using parts and a case my friend gave me when he was clearing out his garage. All I had to buy was a CPU, heatsink and RAM. It’s a bit hard to date this computer since it uses components of varying age, but the motherboard is from 2002 so that’s what I’m going off. It’s not a perfect build; half the front panel connectors aren’t connected because I can’t get the front panel off to see what each cable is. And for some reason it needs about 3-4 minutes to warm up before booting properly. I dunno :)

Yeah it's a bit of a mess inside. But the cables are just long enough to be annoying but not long enough to route behind things and hide :) And we all know what it’s like trying to clean up and hide IDE cables : :)

Here are the full specs:

Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz single-core
4GB DDR-400 RAM (maxed out)
1.08TB Hard Drives (1*80GB Maxtor 2004 drive, 1*1TB WD Caviar Green from 2010)
CD-RW drive, DVD-DW drive, 3.5" HD floppy disk drive, external Zip100 drive
nVidia GeForce FX5200 128MB
PCI TV tuner/capture card; ethernet card; firewire card; + other random things
Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. Up until August 15th I ran Windows 2000 but I had to give it up when web browsing became too much of a trial.

Unless he randomly dies and I’m not able to fix him, I plan on using this computer as my main system for another 1-3 years maybe. It’s kinda hard to predict when it’ll become too slow. I’ve been using old and outdated computers all my life and I don’t mind the speed of this system at all ^_^

I’ve never really understood people who want to always upgrade their computer every few years just so they can have the “latest and greatest”. It’s just a waste of money in my opinion. It may be nice to have a really new system for the speed, but I honestly couldn’t justify the price of a new custom build because it would be wasted on me, this computer performs great for me and I’ve used much lower end systems. Up until about May I used a 466Mhz computer as my main and I loved it. My laptop is 18 years old and it works fine for me. All you have to do is just use older versions of the programs you’d normally use and they run great :)

If you’ve seen some of my posts where I mention my computer, you’ll know that the ONLY part of it that I get annoyed about is the graphics card. I’d love a new one but I want to get one of the highest end AGP cards made so I can bring this system up to the present day as much as I can :) High end AGP cards are very hard to find because everyone who has an old AGP PC wants them..

I’m open to any questions people may have! But please, if you just want to tell me to upgrade and get a new computer, then this isn’t the thread for you :)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: graphics-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 177.0 KB  ID: 24628   Click image for larger version.  Name: RAM-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 186.5 KB  ID: 24630   Click image for larger version.  Name: IO-1-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 121.2 KB  ID: 24632   Click image for larger version.  Name: IO-2-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 150.3 KB  ID: 24633   Click image for larger version.  Name: psu-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 131.8 KB  ID: 24634  

Click image for larger version.  Name: caselid-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 138.7 KB  ID: 24635   Click image for larger version.  Name: drives-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 168.3 KB  ID: 24631   Click image for larger version.  Name: motherboard-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 181.0 KB  ID: 24627   Click image for larger version.  Name: cpu-fan-small.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 149.0 KB  ID: 24629  
So This is my Computer

Baby diapers

I've noticed that there is almost no discussion of people who wear baby diapers on this forums :O

Do you guys not prefer them or is it a question of not being able to fit into them?

Personally, I love wearing baby diapers and wear it all the time.
Baby diapers

I Have No Imagination. Help.

dimanche 30 août 2015

Hey everyone,

Not sure if this is the proper sub-forum, but I came to a pretty depressing conclusion around a month ago or so and I felt like sharing it to see if anyone has any ideas to help me. As you might have guessed from the title, I don't really have an imagination.

I honestly have no idea why I hadn't realised it before, me being 19 by the time this is written, but my head is basically a desert. It's very well illustrated when I for example play Minecraft. In that game I can't play creative mode, because of the lack of objective and the fact I have no idea what I can do when I can do anything. Same goes for Lego's: infinite possibilities but zero inspiration. I just never understood it.

This goes back to my childhood even. I've never really seen the world in a different way than it "is". I remember once having written something about a shark murdering a dolphin at age 6. Seems realistic and "as is" when you know that sharks are killers, but don't know sharks are actually scared of dolphins.

It's really bringing me down, because I feel like I'm missing out on something. I wanna be able to write and create things out of nowhere: music, stories, art, you know the deal, but at this point in my life I can't do that and everyone knows how frustrating it is to want something you can't do. :wallbash:

An imaginationless baby. It even sounds depressing.

I also don't know how to play pretend or stuff like that, which is quite important because I only have myself and my plushies, who are all just plushies and have no personalities, because of the reason stated above. Do you guys know how I might trigger my imagination, is it something that can be taught through something or do you think it's just not a part of my being? I hope to god it's not the latter.

I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

- Finn
I Have No Imagination. Help.

Pronunciation of different Diaper Brands

How do you pronounce different diaper brands (especially some of those originating in non-English speaking countries). And if you're anything like me, you don't often actually speak these out loud. It's more the way I say them in my head.

So what's it for you? Here are mine.

Abena? - "uh-BEE-nuh" is usually how it rolls off my tongue. But I could imagine others. "Aaah-bey-nuh"?

Tena? - "TEE-nuh" is my usual but I have a hunch it's also pronounced "TEN-uh"

Molicare? "mall-eee-care" is my usual way. But u could imagine "MOLE-eee-care" or even "MOLE-ih-care"

Kolibri? "Koh-Leee-bree" --- or "call-eee-bree"? Others?


I may be missing some brands here but these are the most common foreign brands in my mind.

How do you say them?
Pronunciation of different Diaper Brands

GoodNites Sleep Shorts

Apparently, despite having only been made for two years (versus the Boxers' three), GoodNites Sleep Shorts are somehow still available through Amazon. Probably just unsold stock, I'm sure, but they're still listed on GoodNites' official Amazon page for about $9. Hoping they show up soon, I never got a chance to try them when they were originally out. :smile:
GoodNites Sleep Shorts

Adult Baby Space in a small bedroom...

As an Adult Baby, I have limited space for a dedicated Adult Baby Space/Adult Baby Play Area.

My bedroom at home is only 10' x 12' or 120 square feet of space.

Most of the space is taken up by my 52 year-old twin-sized bed that has partial-length side-safety rails.

Also floor space is taken up by my plastic pail adult potty chair.

At most, I have only a 4' x 6' floor space for sitting on my floor to spend time to play with my toys.

I suspect, that other Adult Babies have little space to create and have an Adult Baby Space to "be themselves".

What do others think?
Adult Baby Space in a small bedroom...

Question about Attends

I am wanting to try a different brand in terms of plastic backed diapers besides just Depends. However, I'm confused about if Attends has any. They list products on the website as being poly backed. Does this mean they are plastic backed?
Question about Attends

new to the site

I am not the best at making introductions OK here goes nothing I am 25and like to play at being 3 I started out of curiosity so I went to amazon.com and ordered my first onesie and a pack of abena m4 diapers I am still a little shy about it😓
new to the site

Thread titles fixed again

Same as previous: http://ift.tt/1JFGeBH
Thread titles fixed again


samedi 29 août 2015

not a lurker. just had to wait to get a new computer. not much about myself except a dl

Diapers are amazing :D

Its been awhile since I got my hands on a good set of diapers, I bought some in public, it was kind of embarrassing because the lady before me was using a credit card to buy like 2 items and it took forever, and wanted to get out of there asap ahaha.

I've noticed that after awhile of wearing diapers, your body calms down, i get excited when I first put one on, but it tends to ease, I've gotten the hang of wearing diapers, I've gotten used to male diapers(although I'm a female trapped in a male body) and they don't leak when I pee in them, because I've gotten used to positioning.

I tried sleeping in them last night, but it seems that I was thinking too much about them.

Oddly enough, there really amazing, I just love them, I've gotten myself some drynites, and they work a treat for now, better than nothing, and seems to be better than depends, I've gotten the hang of peeing in them without leaking.

I also got comfortable wearing in public, though I'm not going to do that again :D too risky.

oddly enough, its relaxing and awesome. :D

Diapers are so amazing, miss the feeling of good diapers you know?

Just though i would share my experience, oddly enough I think diapers are the reason for my bladder leakage, I get slight leakage after peeing.. hmm.

Peace :D
Diapers are amazing :D

Looking for a partner. Any advice?

I'm 19 and have been single all my life and I'm tired of it.
I live in the UK and I am a gay male (still in the closet).
I would preferably want someone who already knows of this community and is accepting of it or someone I could introduce to the community and would accept it. The main problem I have is I don't know where to find people like this and that I want something has a good potential to be long term and not just some fling or one night stand.
Do you lot know of any recommended websites that are UK based that would help me find others of similar interests or do you think it would be better to use a standard site and open up to them about it later?
Looking for a partner. Any advice?

Experience after wearing all the time

I posted some of my experience in another thread about wearing in public but I wanted to hear about other people's experiences about their urgency afterwards

Yesterday was my first time wearing all day in public. It was both exhilarating and nerve wracking. I purposefully drank as much coffee and water as I could to enjoy the experience. I flooded the first time because it was my first elimination and for the remainder of the day I went everytime I had an urge no matter how small the void so I probably dribbled the rest of the day. The two things I liked about this that I didn't know beforehand

1. I changed in a mall bathroom with several stalls. I actually enjoyed the sense of being nervous about people hearing the tapes and crinkleness and "getting outed"

2. After I changed into my underwear, my first visit to the bathroom was very urgent. I almost had a real accident. I don't have urgency problems normally and it wasn't a large void. This urgency was different than when you have a full bladder. The urgency due to a full bladder feels like your bladder is extended to the max and its painful. This urgency that I experienced yesterday was almost like urge incontinence because my bladder wasn't full, I didn't experience significant distention and yet I started dribbling a little bit by the time I got to the toilet. I just "couldn't hold it".

Anybody else experience urgency when wearing all the time even if its only for one day?
Experience after wearing all the time

P U L pants

Has anyone had any experience-good or bad-with PUL (POLYURETHANE LAMINATE) waterproof pants?

How are they over disposables? How is odor control? Are they a good substitute for vinyl pants over cloth diapers? Are they more comfortable than vinyl? Are they cooler? Leak-proof? Do they last a long time?
P U L pants

Depression and One Mommy

Ok so about at the start of last year, I started developing intense feelings of wanting a woman (who used to be an occasional baby sitter, was a family friend and was about 8/9 years older than me) that I had been rejected by (which had plunged me into depression and instances of self harm) and loved/was obsessed with to be my Mommy.

I initially sought counseling (for the 2nd time, I had previously counseling sessions related to the same issue) specifically to try and work these feelings out. Though I did try hard, I still didn't find anything to do with my relationship with my mother that was amiss. I did discover however that in actual fact I feel remarkably distant from my family. My dad is an alcoholic, my brother is just so different to me and also treats women badly and I don't feel any real strong guilt about not seeing my mum often even though I know she wants to. I don't feel anything strong to them to be honest. A couple of years ago my brother got run over and very nearly escaped death/being a vegetable for the rest of his life. I didn't feel a thing the whole time with perhaps one exception where I visited him at the hospital (I only did this twice I think) and he was very obviously under the effects of his brain damage.

Through some studies I've recently found it appears having ab/dl desires whilst having no history of abuse/neglect is actually the norm amongst us but my personal case seems to differ in two major ways to the majority.

1. I have only started to have these desires at the age of 20 whereas most tend to report something like just never 'growing out' of diapers and such when about 9/10.

2. My desires have stemmed from my love/obsession with one person in particular.

With regards to no.2, I am still trying to figure out whether my ab/dl desires are exclusive to this one person or whether I would truly like to live out my fantasies with other people that aren't her.

There is a lot more to tell which I am happy to divulge but I just thought I'd be concise as I can for my first post, seeing as this has been my life story for about 3 years.

Am I real ab/dl or has my mind just essentially made up a new quality to project onto this woman as a means of resisting getting over her.
Depression and One Mommy

What to buy in upstate countryside?

im back at college in upstate New York, and the only supermarket close by is called Tops. Anyone heard of it? If you have, I'd like to know what's the best brand of diapers that they'd have and what would be best to buy.
What to buy in upstate countryside?

Would you discuss ABDL in the public eye?

vendredi 28 août 2015

I was a bit bored the other night and ended up rewatching the Dr. Phil episode where he had Baby Brett on, just because I thought it might be interesting to take another look at how the host and the media treated ABDL as an issue. It was a bit patronising, but the guy actually came across really well & showed that you can balance AB desires with functioning as an adult. Anyway, it got me to thinking...

If someone you knew said that they thought you'd be a good representative for our community, to discuss your experiences openly and reveal your identity, on TV, in a major publication or somewhere prominent online, would you do it? Do you think that right now, the benefits of sharing that experience, and the world better understanding ABDL would outweigh the possible repercussions of 'coming out' as an AB/Little, or do you feel that the public's stigma about who we are and what we do is still too strong to risk unmasking yourself?

I think if I knew I was going to appear on a serious, responsible platform and not have my words or views twisted, I would go public about ABDL to share my story. However, I would never agree to anything which I felt sensationalised or embellished my desires and experiences, or was set-up to portray ABDL as something weird, to be gawked at. How about fellow ADISCers?
Would you discuss ABDL in the public eye?

Best Cloth non-disposable ABDL diaper?

I'm looking for an inexpensive non-disposable cloth diaper that can replace having to keep buying disposables.

Does anybody have any recommendations?

I currently have a 25 dollar budget.
Best Cloth non-disposable ABDL diaper?

Most worn diaper

Like the thread title says what is die diaper you wear most often that you like.
Mine is pampers size 6 becausevthey fit perfectly without any mods. Yes i'm small enough to wear and use them without problems, like tapes coming unstuck.
Most worn diaper

any cute diaper girls in orange county cali

cute male here 28 addicticted to wearing baby diapers
any cute diaper girls in orange county cali

Finally ordered some premium diapers! SOO EXCITED FOR THEM TO ARRIVE!

So, I have ordered my first shipment of quality diapers, from Rearz. (BTW, the staff there is AMAZINGLY helpful, and they took their time to answer all my questions, as well as made recommendations that I didn't even think about)

I god 2 packs (24 diapers total) of tranquility ATN's, as I had a sample of those before, and it was quite comfy, and I got 2 sample packs. (2x CONFIDRY 24/7 briefs, and 2x Abri-Form Original Plastic - AbenaM4/L4)

I am quite excited for them to arrive. I actually have never bought so many diapers, so I am really excited for them to arrive (hopefully will be here Tuesday next week)

It will be quite nice to use something other then depends briefs! the sample I had of the ATN just blew me away with how much it could hold. Actually I wore it for 14 hrs, and I couldn't even put the entire thing to use!

Also planning to go 24/7 as long as I can; not sure how long I will last tho, as RL does get in the way sometimes. Especially with College starting soon.. (thankfully I have my own apartment, don't have to share a room)

So yea! Quite excited! I can't wait!
Finally ordered some premium diapers! SOO EXCITED FOR THEM TO ARRIVE!

DryNites - new packaging, new designs?

I noticed today in Boots a couple of packs of DryNites had a different design of packaging. They were Boys 4-7 ones, so I didn't bother buying - but new waves of packaging normally coincide with new designs. DryNites' own website hasn't been updated yet.
DryNites - new packaging, new designs?

Public safety warning

Hoards of horny net geeks roam the Serengeti ready to pounce on anything resembling something they can ravage and, or beg to become whatever their image of idealized sexuality may be.


Ok, so now that I have your attention, shall we discuss negative experiences with others that were a turn off or scared the shit out of us and made us wonder just what we just opened ourselves up to.

I met someone online when I was a teen only to have him pop a porn in the VCR and drop trow in his living room the first time we met. This experience along with college followed by marriage and parenthood, all while in college and in that order, kept me from the scene for over a decade.

Actually now that I think of it I'm not sure if the horny net geek or my newly pregnant wife informing me that I was about to become a parent was more traumatic. hmm...

Anyway, where was I ... Oh, yeah, what were your experiences with the; lonely, weird, fringe, horny, psychotic, or just pathetically needy that gave you pause?
Public safety warning

parents gone for a few days

What should i do for some fun
parents gone for a few days

Producing an ABDL Short Film!

Hi guys! I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, so Moo, if I'm unable, please delete this.

So you see guys, I'm a Film Major, I just graduated with my degree in Film Production Technology. Last year, a lot of my associates and friends, plus me, were thinking on making an ABDL Short Film. I was the one who wrote the script, the idea and all, and my associates liked it. We even did casting and script revisions, however, we were halted by budget. We need like 2,500 dollars to produce this 40 minute film. So I am just asking... were I to start a crowdfunding campaign, would you support it?

Hugs to everyone!
Producing an ABDL Short Film!

Good news and bad news....

Hello Me again, like the thread says I have good news and bad news on several fronts. The good news is that so far I'm doing well in my classes Thanks to me praying, and the advice form my grandma and you guys. and lets be honest I'm not letting my fantasies effect my life, and like a previous thread said, I ordered a Thomas the tank engine Megazord and a Neko ears set. Now the bad news, My brother has been pretty evil as of late, and saying hurtful things, like the R-word, calling me a monkey because of my disability, saying awful things about a church friend, that has disabilities too, that we drive around to his appointments, and wanting to change his name to Akuma's special in street fighter, called the Shun Goku Satsu, (look it up what It means in English, I'm not telling you.) and also saying that he is pure evil, WHICH IS NOT TRUE, NO ONE IS PURE EVIL AND.... sorry about that I just had to vent. and also he has skipped one class and, and he broke his hand trying to hurt the car we are borrowing for my uncle. My mind is kind of conflicted on this one, I don't really know what to do at this rate, and this really makes me want to be little more and more, even if it is a temporary escape, also he really seems to be pushing my buttons more and more, and my grandmothers too, and trying to push away anyone who comes in contact with us, but one thing I will do I will not let this effect this semester, and how I do, but I just get so sad and scared and afraid, and my grandmother doesn't because he dealed with other bipolar people before and I really just don't know what to do in this regard.
Good news and bad news....

Social Media Murder

Has it finally come down to this? Has our society reached its lowest point ever?

As I'm sure everyone knows, a young television reporter and cameraman were shot down Wednesday in the middle of a live interview in Virginia. The reporter screamed and turned to run as the camera fell to the ground. The cameraman basically filmed his own murder, as well as the reporter's, and captured the suspect's face in the process.

A few hours later, the story got even more disturbing. Several hours after the shooting, a Twitter account began tweeting, singling out the deceased victims with the statement 'I filmed the shooting see Facebook.' His Facebook account showed the recorded video with the gun barrel aimed at the victims.

A murder designed to be carried out in social media. A horrifying live execution by a disgruntled ex-employee who uploaded the graphic footage to his Facebook and Twitter accounts, all while being pursued by the Virginia State Police.

A shooting to be carried live without warning. And if you missed it; a replay posted on his social media accounts. In this selfie age of posting our lives on online perhaps we shouldn't be surprised it would eventually happen. Armed with a gun and a body mounted camera, he lay in waiting for the right moment to open fire. And when he did, he recorded it all the while. Twitter and Facebook removed the footage as soon as they were made aware of it, but by that time it had gone viral, and it lives on in all its horror.

This wasn't a movie or video game. It was another senseless slaughter of innocent people by a disturbed individual who should never have been able to buy a gun. We've seen it before with Columbine and Sandy Hook, however this is the first mass murder designed for social media. Very disturbing.

Roy Peter Clark of the Pointer Journalism Institute stated online:

"The tools of the digital age, like all technologies, are morally neutral. They can be used to inform, inspire and console. And we learn again today that they can be used with murderous rage to blot out everything that is human and decent."

Social media has been used in the past to provide evidence of a crime, but it seems to have crossed a new line where it is now part of the motive in committing the crime. The gunman clearly knew he would reach a wide social media audience with this final act.

The media itself used to be primarily responsible for reporting news and other information in real time. This crime however demonstrates that the power is no longer in the hands of the corporations, but in fact it is distributed across all individuals around the world.

Social media companies have a responsibility in how they address violent content, but so do we as individuals.

Social Media Murder

How many times do you wet before you change

like do you change after your first, second or third?
How many times do you wet before you change

Confused about how to act around parent after being found out

So I live with my mother and recently she found out that I like to wear diapers. She was completely accepting of it, albeit a little confused, but she understands and is tolerant of it. She even offered to make me some AB clothes (i declined) but now I am unsure about how to go about the whole diaper thing around her. Before I would only wear when I was home alone and only order when I would be home alone and I would dispose at a nearby public bin or put it in with a bin liner full of rubbish and put it in our wheelie bin.
Now that she has found out I am unsure how she would react if I were to wear them around the house (under clothes) when she is home or if she would mind me ordering packages online and her being here when they arrive and if I still need to be as discrete when disposing of them. I would still wrap them in dark bags of course though.
Has anyone else been in this situation and what did they end up doing? I don't know if it is best to just ask her directly but I am unsure how I would go about that. I'd really appreciate any help and anybody elses experiences on this matter.
Confused about how to act around parent after being found out

Diaper recommendations for someone new to them?

jeudi 27 août 2015

Hey, I only started wearing diapers recently and I was wondering what people think are best? I'm wearing m4s at the moment. I want something that won't be too noticeable under clothes but is still pretty absorbent. I'm a heavy wetter I guess. I'm in the UK which means my options might be limited.
Diaper recommendations for someone new to them?

Bottles and Pacis?

So I've never used a bottle nor a paci, I heard that pacis are bad for your teeth? How do you like them and how do you use them?
Bottles and Pacis?

How do you feel about the current predicament with small adult diapers?

I've been looking around for another diaper to replace the abena s4 plastic back ones since they've been discontinued and I have found nothing that even compares to that diaper in comfort.

I just wanted to know how other small waisted people feel with our limited selection right now. I also wanted to know what diapers small waisted people wear right now also. I wanted to see if their were any I missed.

(Everything below this is just a chart to show you what I have tried)
What I have tried: (I only put this here so people can see where I am at)

Ones I currently wear
Dry 24/7 -(diaper wraps around waist without tapes touching but diaper feels more like the padding is a small/medium and not as comfortable cause padding is to stiff, Also can not walk in these)
Molicare - (only absorbs 16 oz)
Atns - (absorbs 24 but really is not a premium diaper fit is off also)

To big
Abena m4 plastic- (Diaper to long and big)
Abena m4 premium- (Diaper to long and big)
Snuggies*Mediums* - (To big)
All bambino Diapers - (To big not suitable for walking around in)
NorthShore AirSupreme Briefs*Medium* - (To big can't get snug fit)
Wellness Breifs *Mediums* - (Diaper again to big)
Wellness Breifs Superio *Mediums* - (Diaper swells awesomely but to big )
BKN Nappies*Mediums* - (Diaper has bad tapes, Actually doesn't fit to bad but is still on the big side, but diaper to large for walking around)
NorthShore Supreme Briefs*Mediums* - (Diaper way to big)
Seni SuperPlus *Medium* - (Diaper to Big fit)
Absorbency Plus*medium* - (To big)
Seni SuperPlus *Regular* - (Waaaaayy to big)

Other issues
NorthShore AirSupreme Briefs*Youth* - (Didn't like fit)
NorthShore AirSupreme Briefs*Small* - (Diaper not comfortable and stretches over time)
Molicare Premium Soft Super Briefs *Small* - (Diaper has HORRID Cloth TEXTURE Also I don';t like how it doesn't cover all of your booty)
Tranquility SmartCore Breathable Briefs*Small* - (Actually the only cloth diaper I enjoyed but absorbency is only meant for daytime use)
Abena premium s4*small* - (HORRIBLE DIAPER anyone who says this is good is lying. Diaper stretches horribly, wicks liquids through the thing before its full, and odor control is bad)
Tena slip maxi plastic *Small* - (Discontinued so need permanent solution)
Seni SuperPlus *small* - (Diaper fits badly)
Pampers size 7 - (Not absorbent enough)
Goodnites*All sizes* - (Not absorbent enough and i really prefer diapers)
One of the Prevail diapers *Small* - (was not comfortable)
One of the Attends diapers *Small* - (was not comfortable and had low absorbency)
Abuniverise diapers *Small* - (Diaper absorbs like .5 oz anyone that tells you otherwise is lying)
All the diapers from HDIS *Small/Youth* - (Really ewww diapers)

What I Don't want:
*I don't hate cloth but every cloth diaper on the market sucks right now
* I shouldn't have to re-tape a diaper on over and over again just because the cloth stretches
* Yes I have tried taping around my stomach instead of my waist but this still causes sagging
*I Tried rolling the end of the diaper to try and get a better fit but tapes overlap


Ps: This is exactly why I started up a petition for small diapers back when abena was discontinued I knew this was gonna happen. Small people are a step away from pretty much being kicked out of the market and from what i have read it seems like most have given up and just buy overly sized diapers. That doesn't help though because that increase the sales on only their medium diapers instead of the actually putting the time ad research to create better and more small diapers.
How do you feel about the current predicament with small adult diapers?

Vision getting a bit worse

I'm visually impaired and in the one eye I can see out of I've noticed my vision getting a bit worse , I'm hoping it can be fixed with laser. I should be OK to still work . But walking around is a bit more time consuming and with my bladder issues I think that being diapered while out is now a definite need now more then ever. I have Dr appointment in september, keep u guys updated
Vision getting a bit worse

Would You Give Funds For an ABDL Short Film?

Hi guys! I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, so Moo, if I'm unable, please delete this.

So you see guys, I'm a Film Major, I just graduated with my degree in Film Production Technology. Last year, a lot of my associates and friends, plus me, were thinking on making an ABDL Short Film. I was the one who wrote the script, the idea and all, and my associates liked it. We even did casting and script revisions, however, we were halted by budget. We need like 2,500 dollars to produce this 40 minute film. So I am just asking... were I to start a crowdfunding campaign, would you support it?

Hugs to everyone!
Would You Give Funds For an ABDL Short Film?

robyn tgirl from the Uk

Hi gang, well I class myself as a tgirl I was born in 1973 and live in Cambridgeshire. I live alone so can be me as often as I want. I am very tall so passing in the general public is out for me.
I joined this site as always liked the idea of nappies but until recently nothing has been about that suited my likes ie girlie and pink oh and fits. The DC amor however has one me over and I am now a fan.
Hobbies well with work and restoring my house not alot. Thanks for having me

Hugs Robyn x
robyn tgirl from the Uk

Advice wanted - US premium diaper brands / hotels

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a bit of advice. I'll be taking a vacation to the United States later in the year, and I'm considering getting some diapers shipped to my hotel for when I arrive.

I could of course take some nappies with me when I go, but I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and buy some premium ABDL diapers that would normally be difficult to get hold of in the EU.

I'm currently considering any of the following:

- Snuggies Waddlers / Waddlers Overnights
- ABU Cushies / SDK
- Dry 24/7
- Rearz

A good looking diaper is probably equally important as a well-performing one. These will mostly be for play, and we can get pretty decent functional diapers here. The only factor that out-ranks cuteness / looks is thickness - the more padding the better! I prefer plastic-backed diapers to cloth-backed, but I think all the brands on my list are plastic anyway. Obviously cost is a bit of a factor, but these are a bit of a birthday gift to myself, so I don't mind spoiling myself a bit!

So my questions to you are:

1) If you could only choose one US 'exclusive' brand to try, what would it be?

2) Which of these companies is the best for customer service / best at accommodating requests? The reason I ask is that the package will need some extra info adding to the outside so that when it arrives at the hotel, they'll know it's for me and hold it until I check in.

Currently I think Snuggies are my top choice, but I've heard mixed reviews. They look so good though, so I'm torn!

Has anyone done anything like this before? If you've got any tips, they'd be much appreciated too :)
Advice wanted - US premium diaper brands / hotels

Pampers scent

quick question: how strong is the smell of pampers? to be more exact, if i buy a bag of pampers, open it, then put it in a cabinet in my room, would my whole room eventually smell like pampers? it would be awkward if a friend or a parent asked me about the new smell of my room
Pampers scent

Diaper Attachment.

Is it normal, to miss the feel of diapers, and want to wear them all the time? for example If i go a week without wearing diapers, I get really depressed and irritated, I feel a huge disconnection If I don't wear them for a while, and constantly think about them.
Diaper Attachment.

Wearing in public.

mercredi 26 août 2015

I wore diapers in public today, It was the best feeling ever, got really nervous but I don't think anyone realized, I wrote drynites so there not really bulky, i have light bladder leakage, and didn't want to smell like urine.

It was for a total of 30 minutes, I was rather nervous.


Should I do it more often?
Wearing in public.

AB Babysitter/Caregiver List?

Hi, I was wondering if there were websites that listed AB Babysitters/Caregivers and their prices etc?

I know about the old DPF page before the website died, but that's about it.
AB Babysitter/Caregiver List?


Hello everyone,
I've been a member of different sites over the years, but I really like that this is just a forum where we can share our experiences.

I'm in my late 30's and have been a DL forever. I told my wife after about a a year of marriage and for 10 years and 4 kids have kept it as our secret. She thinks it's odd, but is happy that it makes me happy. I recently started wearing mostly full time and it's been great. I'm not sure how long I'll keep that up, but for now it's working out.

a bracing dilemma

so, inbetween dodging rain and resting my shoulders, the ramps are coming along nicely-ish.
obviously, as a first-go, there's a couple of slight miscalculations (who'd have thought that a cutting disc would cut so widely?), but i'm now in a quandary as to how to brace the support portion of the ramp or even if need be?

dimensions: 103cm length, 25cm lift, 25cm rungs using 30mm X 30mm X 3mm angle steel.

the diagonal and horizontal frames sit directly upon the vertical supports.
i'm tempted to go with the red example. i may be adding a vertical support to the ramp portion, depending on what metal i've got left over.
of course, i don't want to make them too heavy and i've already revised the layout for the number of rungs.


(btw, the image attachment thing isn't working)
a bracing dilemma


Hey there, I'm derpkhan but people tend to call me Kanchi.

I found this site when looking for general ABDL stuff! Seems interesting enough but I've never been much of a forumite.

I really like video games and tabletop games! I also tend to study electrical engineering in my free time! I love learning new things and building models. I love chatting and making friends too!

I'm here to lurk and chat a bit, so hi!

Hello All!

I joined a while ago but never really posted here before, mostly cause I'm a little shy so I lurk a lot. :p

But hello everyone!
Hello All!

Questions about my transgender feelings?

I'm a female trapped in a males body, is there any advice you can give me on dealing with my male body, I dislike my male parts and there a real inconvenience, :(

I'm obsessed with the idea of having a female body, It would feel so great and normal for me, cross dressing kind of does this for me, though I'm a closeted transfemale, and don't plan to dress according to my gender in public until I'm 19ish.

If I do decide to get a sex change, will I look like a female? Or will I look still look like a male?

I also have a few questions.

What is the usual process of getting a sex change?

Is it normal to get jealous when a girl has a better body than me, I kind of fantasize having a body just like that, hope that doesn't sound crazy?

Is it normal to feel like my body doesn't reflect my gender?

Is it normal to feel bad about being transgender?

What age if you are transgender,that you discovered that you were trans?
Questions about my transgender feelings?

I'm terrified she's not gonna make it

My grandma is having neck surgery Thursday for her pinched nerves and I'm terrified that she's not gonna make it. I've been crying and crying and crying but its not really helping. I distract myself but the tears are always just at the tip of my eyes. I'm terrified because I love her more than anyone else in the world and I can't fathom living without her.

I'm just so scared and I don't want her to see it. I'm worried that I'm going to break down at the hospital and make her worry more...I have to stay strong.

How can I stay strong? <3

Support/kind words/anything needed.
I'm terrified she's not gonna make it

Depression & Anxiety.

mardi 25 août 2015

I feel like I have to release some steam, I haven't been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, though It runs in my family, I've self diagnosed myself, from how I feel all the time leads me to the fact that I have depression and anxiety, and this isn't one of those, Oh, I have anxiety I must be cool type of thing, the constant sadness and the panic attacks I have a swell as the constant worrying about random things that are so little, but effect me so much, one small thing is enough to make me feel suicidal and anxious for no reason even if its illogical.

The world around me feels like its sick, horrid, terrible, I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots who don't understand me, I have stupid people calling me stupid yet they don't realize how stupid they are, It seems like everyone around me is a self centered, themselves idiot, even if its fact, It must be wrong in there eyes, why are people so cruel?

I feel like I've lost touch of reality, I feel numb, empty, emotionless, I feel like this sadness will never end, I've felt like this for years, lately this sadness has felt a lot worse, I have no energy or motivation to do anything, and I even underestimate and self doubt myself.

I feel like everyone is out there to hurt me, and I cannot trust anyone, I think this might have something due to the bullying I went though at one point.

I learn and understand things faster than my peers, yet I get treated like an idiot.

What really bothers me is how come terrible people get all the respect and get treated well, there is this one person who is a manipulative horrible person, yet people feel sorry for him when he lies and says he has bipolar, He doesn't have bipolar he is just a douche, how does this person get more respect and get treated better than me.

I feel like I'm falling to pieces emotionally, I have no energy and just want to sleep all day.

I feel like my depression is caused by my intellect, I see the world in a different way to most people, and its really sad and depressing seeing it the way I see it, the world seems meaningless and pointless and we are just here, evil people get away with everything, get everything they want, while nice kind people get kicked out of society and treated as evil people.

There is so much on my mind, I just can't stop thinking or worrying about pointless things.

Is there anything that will help me, or cheer me up.

On the bright side, diapers help me cheer up a little, as it alters my mindset to a happy state, seems like diapers are the only thing that do ahaha.
Depression & Anxiety.

New to being a Carer: Sydney, Australia

Hi All,

I am a new to exploring this world. Firstly, disclosure to be fair. I became interested in the world ABDL through both my play with a new lover and through my work as a professional kinkster helping others explore their unique wiring.

I am here both to explore personally and also to better understand how I can create meaningful experiences for my clients.

Being a busty 40yo woman I am often approached for breast feeding scenarios. I have been enjoying the dynamic in mother/son and auntie/nephew role plays and this has now extended to discovering Adult babies, littles and diaper lovers. I've been lucky to experience quite a few moving play sessions with clients who were happy to explain what they needed. This was unexpectedly powerful so now I am curious to know more. Am looking into getting a specially made cott.

In my personal life I have been exploring being both carer and little with my partner. Again with surprisingly powerful results. I hope to join in the discussions here and learn more.

In that spirit, what would you say makes a good carer? What qualities does the ideal carer have? What activities appeal to you the most? What is needed to really get you into the zone and safetly back out the other side? What would you honestly need to feel fulfilled in an afternoon of exploring?

Look forward to getting to know you all.
New to being a Carer: Sydney, Australia

Finally Got Neko Ears!!!! :D

So it's me, I have been waiting for a bit to publish this, so anyways I bought Cat ears from Amazon, and they finally shipped earlier today, and I can't wait until they get here!!!! Anyway, here is an image.
[IMG/]http://ift.tt/1NT37kK] anyway I also ordered a Thomas the tank engine Megazord from eBay. And I really can't wait for both of them to show up!!!!!
Finally Got Neko Ears!!!! :D

Anyone else find that store brand diapers are better to wet?

I've noticed that when i get the store brand diapers and I wet them they tend to get a lot more squishy than the more expensive diapers do. I find this a tad annoying though as they are more expensive for less absorbancy. At the moment though I just use lille classic, iD expert and the attends 10 active.
Anyone else find that store brand diapers are better to wet?

Activities to do with caregiver?

Hi guys! ^o^/

My daddy and I see eachother on an almost regular basis, but since he lives with family at the moment, our privacy is limited. Even though privacy is an issue, we still both really want to do more together- we would even like our dynamic to be 24/7 when we finally move in together, though that may take at least a year or two. >-< The thing is, I can't think of many activities to do together. When we have the privacy to, he bottle-feeds me at night, cuts up my food and feeds me, has changed me, read stories to me, we've colored once or twice together on the floor..

So, could you please give me some suggestions for activities we can do together? c: It can be things you've done, or things you'd like to do!

Activities to do with caregiver?

Dealing with the TSA at the airport help

So, I understand that there have been a bunch of threads about this before, but they always seem to get derailed by off topic discussion, so I figure, what the heck, mine as well make another one that focuses on a few specific things.

I plan on flying out of my hometown in the next couple weeks, and since I have wanted to do this for years, I plan on wearing a diaper going through the TSA and on the plane. I know most people here people recommend not to, but what the heck, you only live once, and I can't imagine years from now I will look back and say thank god I did not do what I always wanted that one time because some people on adisc did not recommend it:smile1:

So, my specific question is, for those of you who have worn through TSA and were patted down/screened additionally, what was it like? Did they grill you with questions about what you were wearing, did they take you to a private screening, how long did it take, were the TSA people clearly suspicious about why you were wearing, did they make you show them your protection, etc etc?

While I appreciate people do have completely legitimate arguments for not doing this, for me I have already made up my mind and would love responses from anybody who has experience doing this and the details of what the interaction with the TSA was like, both good and bad.

Any responses you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Dealing with the TSA at the airport help

Discovered….with a surreal twist.

So, this is a bit different. I rent and have two roommates. We share a three story house with the finished basement being my own area it's basically two separate homes. I was taking out my trash today and put it in the outside bin upstairs for trash day tomorrow. I lifted the bag on top to put my bag on bottom (habit, I feel it helps keeps the smell of my used products down). When I replaced the bag I had removed to place mine I pushed it down a bit to make it all fit…that's when I felt it.

It was that unmistakeable feeling of a used diaper. I lifted my hand and through the opaqueness of the white kitchen bag I could see another white bag in a bundle tied up, a very familiar sight.

This being the kitchen trash (shared kitchen) I had a strange moment of confusion (that kinda floating déjà vu feeling). My roommates do not know of my IC issues, but I don't go out of my way to hide them, I just live my life. I also have a few short term memory issues from a TBI, so this bag was really confusing. I couldn't remember throwing anything away up there.

My curiosity got the better of me and I untied the kitchen bag and right away I could tell the other bag (white store bag) had a few used diapers in it. I carry white plastic bags, a diaper/pull-up or two, and changing supplies with me in my backpack and I have, on occasion, brought a bag with used diapers home if I accidentally put it back in my backpack after a change.

I untied the bag. They were not mine. They are most definitely not mine. One was a black depend silhouette and the other was a heavy capacity pull-up, probably a tranquility overnight. As soon as I realized they weren't mine, I really felt ashamed like a low down sneak and hurriedly retied both bags.

It is strange, I have dealt with my day/night bladder/slight bowel IC issues for so long that I don't give wearing protection another thought. They are my underwear, as it were. But, I also never really gave too much thought about other people out there having issues too. I mean, I knew that of course. But I never really KNEW that on a visceral level. It was kind of an eye opening little gut punch. It really reminded me of the time I found out my childhood friend was also a bed-wetter. I always knew other kids wet the bed, but I never really knew it. If that makes any sense.

Anyways, I just thought I would share this little epiphany. I will, of course, not be pursuing the situation any further. I do not particularly care that one of my roommates also has issues, nor do I care to find out which one, but it is a bit more comforting to KNOW…I'm not the only one. :)
Discovered….with a surreal twist.

What Diaper Should I get?

I have been using Goodnites for about 2-3 years, and honestly, I'm getting rather tired of them. I'm looking for a different diaper that will satisfy my needs (plastic, crinkly, thick, very absorbent). I just ordered a pack of Abena S4's, but I don't know if those are gonna cut it. Anyone have any ideas? (My waist is 27", I weigh 95 lbs, and I'm 5'6") Thanks!!!
What Diaper Should I get?

I got CRINKLZ ! :D

I went to Eurofurence and there were a babyfur room party. Someone gave me 2 M Crinklz, then later I found a L Crinklz in a bag ! So now I have 3 of my favorite diapers, I'm sooo excited really they are so comfy, cute and noisy ~

The "problem" is that I don't want to soil them, when the point of a diaper is to use them. I don't have much money and I know those diapers are expensive, plus they are a souvenir of the awesome moments I had at the convention, I'm afraid to be back to my regular Molicare (which are okay, but not amazing as Crinklz). But what will happen if I use all those Crinklz ? :c I can't buy them ... :/

thank you if you have an answer :p
I got CRINKLZ ! :D

What's your little side like?

I realised that whilst I've spent lots of time on here discussing how being little makes me feel or the things I do whilst in that headspace, I noticed there's not that much chat about what our little sides are like in terms of personality and how we act.

So, is your little side generally noisy and excitable, or quiet and relaxed? Do you talk in an adult voice or babble and use toddler words? Do you play lots of games or prefer just watching kids TV? Do you see your littleness as separate to your adult self? And do you have a mental image of what your little looks like?

I'll start. :) My little is generally a bit shy but also very affectionate and a little bit mischievous. I play games or with my toy cars sometimes but prefer sitting with my plushies and watching Bing or In the Night Garden. I see my little side as quite different to my adult self, but not as a totally separate personality. And whilst I never really imagine what my little side looks like, my headspace can vary between that of an infant, a young toddler (most common) and a slightly older, more verbal toddler.

How about all of you?
What's your little side like?

Is anybody getting Sword Art Online Lost Song?

I'm getting it for my ps vita its cross playable with the ps4 version I think it will also be on the ps3 but not sure but I do know for sure it will be on the other two systems the game looks completely awesome I can't wait to get it.
Is anybody getting Sword Art Online Lost Song?

Spouse of DL

Hello everyone, I am interested in learning more about AB/DL so if anyone has advice or links to helpful information I would really appreciate it. And bear with me because I've never heard of this before and am still trying to understand it.

I got married a few months ago to a wonderful man, "E". We are very happy together, we have disagreements like any normal couple, but nothing major. Anyway, the other day I was cleaning out our closet, when I discovered a large stash of diapers..all different kinds. Some were plain white, others had little cutesy animals on them which really freaked me out. And they were large, made for an adult and not a child. I have never seen my husband wear them before so I knew they weren't for a medical reason. I really started to worry it meant he was a pedophile or something. I started looking around on google and that is how I discovered it's a fetish called diaper lover. Every website I found was adamant it had nothing to do with children, except for one Yahoo answer post which said her DL husband said the same thing, but then she caught him looking and pictures and videos of diapered babies online so now I'm unsure...

For a few days I had trouble looking at him, he knew something was wrong but I told him I was just stressed out from work and not to worry about me. Finally one night I got the courage to ask him about it. He was mortified. He even started crying, he was so embarrassed. I told him how much I loved him and that I just wanted to understand this side of him that he never told me about.

He didn't tell me much, I think because he is still so ashamed. He said he hates himself for this fetish, and he's tried to get rid of it but can't. He said he isn't interested in the AB lifestyle but just likes the diapers. He didn't go into detail about what exactly likes about them. My assumption is that maybe he goes to the bathroom in them? Masturbates in them? I really don't know. I don't know how he's hid it from me this long (we dated for 2 years before he proposed, but we didn't move in together until after we were married). I'm very hurt that he kept this secret from me, but I think I understand why because he is so embarrassed about it and wasn't sure how I would take it.

I love him and accept that this is a part of him. But I don't feel comfortable participating. At the same time, I know he can't control this because of the nature of fetishes, and i don't want him to feel like he has to be ashamed or hide who he is. I am very conflicted. We have a wonderful sex life already, experimenting with some bondage (another fetish of his, not mine, but I do enjoy it) and I think this would be a turn-off for me. I don't want to see him as a child. I want him to be a man that takes care of me (and he does, I'm just worried this will change my perception). And I fear when we have a baby someday, that he will become aroused when changing its diaper.

I think a large part of my anxiety is because he won't really talk to me about it, and I don't understand it, but I want to. Can somebody please help set me straight? I love E so much and I don't want this to come between us.


Spouse of DL

Need to find something more comfortable

Currently wearing molicare mobile large as I am 122cm waist with Tena stretch pants over them put would prefer something more snugger fit and not sure what to try next as it seems pull up types don't fit tightly from what I have seen as I have tried a few brands of what I can get here in Australia.

Thing is the non tight fit really irritates me as well as the bunching I guess because of my aspergers syndrome.

Any suggestions

Thank you
Need to find something more comfortable


lundi 24 août 2015

My first premium diapers (Molicare Super Pluses) are coming in tomorrow and I have very recently been having urinary problems. Can't finish going, and every time I do go, I feel like I have to again 5 minutes later. If this doesn't resolve itself in the next week or so, definitely hitting up the doctor. Sigh.

Know C++ and Java, but not sure what other languages would be worth my time learning

Any ideas for other languages that would be useful to learn, like in industry ( I know Matlab).
Know C++ and Java, but not sure what other languages would be worth my time learning

Childish clothing

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me find/make a list of places to get childish clothing for various sizes. For example i have a 27 inch waist and weigh 103-112 lbs and wear a boys 14 with a size 6 shoe US. Theres plenty for those bigger and plenty if you are smaller but it seems as if i am in the middle.
Childish clothing

Other Adult Babies in New Hampshire?

Seems like I am the only Adult Baby in New Hampshire.
There must be others.
Any way to meet?
Just a thought...
Other Adult Babies in New Hampshire?

Check out the diaper products I made

I normally wouldn't make things like this but I had a random thought that this needed to exist, whether it for laughs or actual amusement.

Diaper Pillow:http://ift.tt/1WPe9xv

I would love it if you guys would give me your opinion on what I have made. Also if you don't like any of that stuff I did make some other abdl art on my zazzle page you can check out here: http://ift.tt/1WPeakQ
Check out the diaper products I made

A New Little Friend

This is partly a story that I can't really share anywhere else, and partly me asking for advice. I have a friend who I've dated twice, as we've been on-again, off-again friends since then, and are also periodically sexually active. Recently, he has started role-playing with me where I'm his big brother and he's my little bro. In my mind, this qualifies as age-play: he acts little and dependent on me, looking for cuddles and generally being treated like a little kid. However, he's known about my DL/little side for awhile, and he's made it very clear that he wants no part of it.

For obvious reasons, I am really confused by this recent development. I don't mind the age-play/role-play, but when I started to mention it as such, he sort of freaked out a little bit. Also, he seems to really enjoy it, but talking about it seems to also make him uncomfortable. So, should I not look a gift horse in the mouth here, or should I pry a bit more and make sure he really wants to do it?
A New Little Friend

Pajama Ideas at stores (Target, Walmart etc)

I was wondering what are some cute pajama ideas that you can get at a local store instead of ordering online. I am still rather small and can fit in kids extra things.

But what are some cute clothes to potential get at stores? What have you found a stores?
Pajama Ideas at stores (Target, Walmart etc)

I've Discovered ABDL RPG's

So I was surfing the web the other day and I came across a game called Momsterous, and ABDL game about a succubus sucking the maturity out of a town. It was super fun to play but it was unfinished. I also played Weston Academy by that is also unfinished. So now I need help, I really would like to play more of these RPG games, which seem a lot like Pokemon but aren't, but i can't find a whole lot of them, has anyone came across any or do you have any to share?
I've Discovered ABDL RPG's

Just can't do it!

Ok, here we go!

You may have heard this quesiton more often then none but for me its my first time on a blog asking so bare with me. I am not new to the ABDL world of things BUT never really tried to communicate with others and or use the blogs to ask questions. I have been extremly lucky to have a babysitter who participates in babysitting me (very often at that) along with all the bells and whistles (lucky me right?). Now, I know there are many out there who have never had a chance to experience this but for me it has been absolutely incredible and can only wish/hope all of you have a chance. So, with that in mind, my BIG problem is that when I am being put into baby mode, my babysitter will force me to use my diapers (pee only, which is FINE by me) by reminding me that "babies use diapers" and if I want the full baby mode experience, I have to use my diapers. She will change my diapers, feed me, play with me and even wakes up in the middle of the night to change my diaper when I need it. Sounds simple enough, but let me tell you that I find it to be the most difficult thing to accomplish. I can seem to use my diaper as long as I am standing but there is no way I can do this laying down. This is what I am looking for some feedback from all you experienced ABDL's out there.

Any suggestions or feedback?
Just can't do it!

Are wetting and messing different experiences for you?

I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same as me about this:

Wetting has always been relatively easy and normal for me. Before I got back into diapers, I would pee on myself for fun while masturbating or in the shower, and it was always...just a regular part of my sexual expression. I used to be really disgusted by messing/scat, bit once I got into diapers, I started experimenting with messing myself. I've only done it a few times, and I find it to be a very intense experience, and very different than wetting.

I wet for both sexual pleasure and non-sexual comfort and convenience due to a problem with my prostate, but I only mess in a sexual context. Usually, I will feel like I have to poop, and then play with myself until I'm close to climax, and then try to time it so that I poop while climaxing. The resulting orgasms are quite powerful. I'm just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience.
Are wetting and messing different experiences for you?

(NEW) ASDA Little Angels Bedtime Pants Size (M & L : 8-12 Years) (Drynites & Underjams)

(NEW) ASDA Little Angels Bedtime Pants Size (M & L : 8-12 Years) (Drynites & Underjams)

ASDA Little Angels Bedtime Pants Size M 4-7 Years

ASDA Little Angels Bedtime Pants Size L 8-12 Years

£4.50 a pack of 9


Super absorbent for complete night time confidence. Quick-release seams. Comfy flexible sides.
(NEW) ASDA Little Angels Bedtime Pants Size (M & L : 8-12 Years) (Drynites & Underjams)

Leaving to college?

for those of us in the world of elevated academia, most of us, me included, will be ending our summer vacations returning to college this week. For many of us, this is a wonderful time, a new world and the chance to leave home and explore and see what's out there and what one wants to be. However, for some of us, it's our return, our second year or second semester. I am about to return to rural New York and be stuck in the middle of nowhere for the next five months, and I feel really hesitant to leave. Last time, I was overjoyed to leave (who wouldn't jump at a chance to leave home for a while?) but I didn't realize how good I have it back at home till this summer, having spent a month in knoxville and the remainder of it here in the South Bay (ca) I don't want to leave. I have many reasons to leave again, and I'm very popular at my tiny Christian college, and I'm away from my father, but there's so many reasons to stay, like my good friends and my job prospects and my family and lifestyle, I'm going to miss it a lot more this time. I guess my point is in conflicted, has anyone else felt such internal conflicts? College life is so hard and weird and emotional.
Leaving to college?

I want to stop

I'm really not liking this, but I can't quit. I don't feel sexually liberated. I want to quit. deep down I want to quit. :frown: Why do I do this thing... everytime its the same circle, hopeful change, anxiety for a few days, morph to cravings, purge wonder wtf happened. I can't take this anymore this isn't me. It isn't who I want to be there has to be some way. It's my actions I should be able to do things I like and not do things I don't. so why does this keep happening to me...

If I could just sate these feelings some other way. without diaper sex or baby stuff.
I want to stop

24/7 and yes I mean diaper wearing

Hi I'm 35 now I've been wearing 24/7 since I was 18 two door car accident I just want to hear other stories for the other adult babies on this site who are 24/7 as well that means completely diaper dependent for number one and number two like myself please tell me your story please
24/7 and yes I mean diaper wearing

Dry 24/7 in Public /Compared to Abena M4

Can you wear medium Dry 24/7 diapers in public? I am of quite slim build and want to be discrete. I have worn Abena M4 before and found them quite bulky, are Dry 24/7s as bulky or more bulky?

Also sometimes I worry if I bend over the diaper will show, does the band/back of the Dry 24/7 look discreet or does it have medical markings on it and a bulky look like the Abena M4? The final thing I am concerned about is the crinkle sound.

Please let me know what you think, also I like wearing jeans.
Dry 24/7 in Public /Compared to Abena M4

There are member's from all over the world what is It like being an AB/DL where you live.

I'm in the USA so here I keep a low profile on my AB/DL life.
As long as I not putting it out there I'm ok some what safe.

I have been to a few munches and met other's of like mind.
Are there get to gathers and meet up where your country's are.
I can readily get AB/DL items here.
How is the perception where you are from is it safe to be participant in your kink.
Can you be your self or have to hide who you are how are the laws for you where
You live.what would you like to see change with how others see this kink in your country.

How do you see us in USA as to be different from how you are.

Thank you for looking in on this thread.
There are member's from all over the world what is It like being an AB/DL where you live.

I'm BluePanda from Australia.

Hello, I'm BluePanda from Australia, I'm a transgendered ABDL with a interest in IT and gaming

Although I'm a closeted transwoman, I love femininity, I get jealous when there are girls who have better bodies than me and fantasize about my inner female, If that makes some sense, really hard to act male if you're female on the inside :/

I love diapers as they are like a "pathway" to my inner self, I've always had an attraction to them, no clue why, either way diapers are awesome, I love the girly goodnites / drynights.

I do cross dress as it feels natural to me, Like I'm supposed to, Its like the diaper feeling, It's like a part of you that manifests itself into your daily life.

I'm closeted because of the amount of hate towards transwoman, on the inside I feel more female than male, I'm a very emotional girl, I just hide it.
I'm BluePanda from Australia.


I've been a member for quite awhile but don't post very much. Since im starting to be active on here again I thought id post a little about me. I'm 24 and a DL. Born and raised in texas. I've had a "fixation" with diapers since I was little. I'm a big time pc gamer and love anime. If you want to know more about me just let me know.

Thrift store diaper find- Goodwill store in Las Vegas, NV

dimanche 23 août 2015

There's a bunch of bags of blue hospital diapers at the Goodwill store on Nellis Blvd here in Las Vegas if anyone in the area is interested. $4.99 a bag and they were new bags it looked like. there was still quite a few bags left, I didn't bother getting any since I have plenty of Abena. Just a heads up to anyone in the area interested.
Thrift store diaper find- Goodwill store in Las Vegas, NV

Four Short Hours

I will have about four hours of me time this Friday. Are there any sample packs of adult diapers at Walgreens, CVS, etc.? I don't have time to order online nor do I have room for a full package. Thanks for the suggestions!
Four Short Hours

Want to upgrade- what are some good diapers?

For about 2 years, the best I could do, due to both cost and living circumstances, was Depends and Goodnites. So basically, a step above improvising with paper towels and grocery bags. Now, I'm moving off to college. I have a single room, so discretion isn't a huge issue. I've saved up alot of money from my job over the past year and have a full-ride scholarship, so cost isn't an issue. Obviously, both of those are within reason- I won't be leaving soiled diapers on the floor or blowing all of my savings on a single order.

Anyways, once I move in, I want to get some quality diapers (no, not THOSE ones... unless I could get them from a secondhand source that didn't involve actually paying them). Its been awhile since I last did any real research, and the market seems to have increased since then. So basically, what are some good options? I don't have much for specific criteria, though I guess thickness and comfort might be a bit more of a factor, design and absorbency less of one (I'm not keen on sitting in a wet diaper for extended periods of time, but I guess with Depends as my only experience, that could change). I'll be getting as many free samples as possible, but I'd like to know what to prioritize on for an actual purpose (and whatever it takes to not wait as long, since samples take over a month to ship, IIRC) I'm about 5'11", 32 inch waist, 160 lbs.
Want to upgrade- what are some good diapers?

lowering sex drive

Does any one know a way to lower your sex drive in a healthy way
lowering sex drive

A Message From The Huggies Company

I saw this and thought it might be worth passing on. Maybe some of you have seen the shiny objects they are talking about?:

Thank you all for your continued patience as we work to respond to everyone expressing their concerns and asking questions. Some of you have commented about the shiny particles seen in our wipes. While this condition is not normal, it does happen infrequently during the manufacturing process. When combined, the fibers in our wipes have on occasion created shiny particles, similar to what was found by this parent.

Huggies Wipes have a long history of safe use and we have stringent quality controls in place, and no glass is used during the manufacture of our wipes. As parents ourselves, we know you may have additional questions or concerns, which is why we have created a FAQs page: http://ift.tt/1LpiUaw. Please don’t hesitate to contact our Consumer Care team directly at http://bit.ly/8ZuAUH or by phone at 1-888-485-6839.
A Message From The Huggies Company

Hatred of affection

For most of us, one of the biggest parts of being an AB is desiring that sort of tender, loving, parental affection that we experienced as babies and young children. That's a generalization, but I'd say it's pretty accurate. Well, I've been thinking all day, that's really funny considering what I was like as a child.

Around the time I turned 5, I hated, and I mean HATED physical affection (I have no idea what happened, it seemed to just happen over night). Yes, even from my parents. I feel awful saying this, but for most of my childhood, I'd refuse to hug or kiss either one of them. I'd do it if they made me, but they'd really have to make me to do it and I'd be reluctant and very uncomfortable every time. It took a long time to get over it to the point that I can do it without blushing or putting up a fight, but even to this day I'm not very comfortable hugging or showing any affection to my parents, or anyone for that matter. The strange part is I really, really crave affection (both from an AB perspective and a non-AB perspective) but at the same time it makes me uncomfortable.

Does anyone else have this issue? Isn't this kind of ironic considering the nature of ab desires? I'd love to hear any insight on the topic.
Hatred of affection

A little unhappy with snuggies diapers.

I'm going to go against the grain on what vibe I was getting about snuggies overnights and say that I'm a little disappointed with this diaper.

On the positive note, it is super cute, and I like that it has water fading stars and such, and it does hold water ok, but...

First, it claims that it can hold 135 oz of water, while xpmedical claims that a dry 24/7 can hold 95 oz. I was expecting a thicker diaper than the dry 24/7, but looking at them right now next to each other, they are about the same and I'm still favoring the 24/7 to maybe be thicker. Also, on use, I feel like the dry 24/7 does better at holding fluid still.

Second, the tapes on the snuggies overnights do not hold up for more than probably 4 hours, certainly not the length of a night. Most of the time, one or two of the tapes break from the back end, they still hold to the front landing zone of the diaper, but the back end where the tape starts, just falls off.

I still think it is a fun diaper, but I feel like the next time I am going to get a all over print diaper, I'm just going to get a cloth cushies, and those are more of a play diaper anyway, but I still trust them more strangely. Or I will stick with the dry 24/7 for when I need a better diaper than my boosted certainties makeshift.
A little unhappy with snuggies diapers.

Credit Cards are Problematic for Us Disabled on Low Fixed Incomes...

Credit Cards are problematic for us disabled adults on low fixed incomes.

My latest bill came in, and I need more funds out of my meager 401K Retirement Account to pay it off to maintain a "zero balance".

I guess I will have to give up the single credit card I have, which I have used since 1987.

A rather harsh choice.

Credit Cards are Problematic for Us Disabled on Low Fixed Incomes...

Feeling too old to enjoy young things-squeezed out of the fun...Or something else?

I don't know how to say this, but I feel like I've lost my generation altogether, like some sort of immortal when they see all their friends growing older and they stay the same... I don't know if it is infantilism that fuels my love of various (what I would consider) childish interests outside of the actual ABDL scene. For example, I love Anime and it seems I'm more keen on the cutesy-er ones lately. I went to my first comicon-esque convention recently (I've always wanted to go), and I seem to be becoming really addicted to card games - MagicTheGathering, Hearthstone, even Pokemon TCG for god's sake! And I mean I'm 25 years old now, I feel like I should be getting away from all that - but I want to indulge these things more than ever... But I have absolutely no friends left who would possibly be interested in any of these things and most of the people who do are way younger... I know I know - there are tons of Adult Cosplayers and all that, but I mean these teenage kids have way more experience than me and I feel like some sort of greesy old man! Like, I just want someone my age to play these games and enjoy these elements with, but that seems an impossible feat. It feels so awkward to be the old one who "still" has an interest in such things, especially since a lot of it hasn't actually blossomed until now... I can't say for sure if it falls into a more infantilist-oriented nostalgia from childhood or if it's just an immaturity or what, but it just feels so wrong and creepy to be with such a young crowd. When a kid goes outside they look for a "playmate", but that seems what exactly I'm looking for in an adult, not for any sexual or even relationship reasons, but just some person to hang out with thats my own age for these entertainments I so love and enjoy. What I can't understand is though - what is my motivation for all this - am I overindulging some infantilist non-sexual interests or some kind of emotional need or some kind of immature state where everyone else is evolved past. For the last part it's especially confusing as I play less and less non-card-games (like console ps3 etc) and it's especially odd. The key is that these are legitimately innocent interests not related to the abdl-fetish stuffs. Does anyone else experience this - what is going on???

PS: I didn't know what section to post this in, so I thought Off-Topic was a catch-all... If I was incorrect please move me, thanks. :)
Feeling too old to enjoy young things-squeezed out of the fun...Or something else?

Diapers and Christianity

First off, please don't let this turn into a debate on whether Christianity is true or not. This is mainly a question for those out there who are Christian and also ABDL. As a devout Christian my whole life, I have always felt guilty about my DL side. I love wearing diapers but whenever I am doing it, there's always a little voice inside telling me I am doing something wrong. There's a scripture that has always bugged me. 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways." Diapers are obviously "childish ways" unless you are truly incontinent so it has always convicted me. I have also not told my wife of 11 years because she is a good Christian woman who I know would freak out about this side of me. Are there any other Christians who feel this way?
Diapers and Christianity

Hello everyone

Hi, I just wanted to get everyone. I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I look toward to getting more about you all and your community. :smile1:
Hello everyone


Default hello everyone
hello everyone i hope to meet some new friends here i hope to talk with you all

What percentage of diaper lovers do you think are non - practicing?

By that, I mean people who realize they are drawn to diapers, but have never acted upon their feelings. Just take a guess.
What percentage of diaper lovers do you think are non - practicing?

ABs - Are we romanticising childhood?

Obviously, because whether we feel it or not, we are all technically adults, I imagine that all but a tiny minority of us have to take care of at least some of the responsibilities or enact the behaviours associated with being 'grown up'. Because of that, the role of a baby or child can seem incredibly appealing in comparison to the stresses of work, family or even studying.

But do you think regression, ageplaying etc. romanticises what being a baby or child is like? When you consider that actual little ones sometimes have a lot of coughs, colds and jabs, have very few freedoms and are easily overtired, is being young actually not really any better - or perhaps worse - than the irritations of adulthood?

Or do you feel that those issues little ones might have would be well worth coping with for the ways that you would be treated as a baby/kid, the activities and games you could do with a carer and the innocence you'd have?

Or are you someone who never thinks about that in relation to your wants and needs to feel little?

Would be really interested to hear others' take on this. :)
ABs - Are we romanticising childhood?

Do you think being ABDL is genetic?

I was having a conversation with another ABDL on kik recently and he said "you better go easy on your kid when he tells you he is abdl." Of course I asked what the heck that meant and he said that things like ABDL, homosexuality, etc were all heredity and offsprings of said groups have a much higher chance of being in the same group. Not that I would have a problem with one of my kids being ABDL, but I find it hard to believe that it's genetic. He said there is scientific proof. What do you guys think?
Do you think being ABDL is genetic?

Starry Hello!

Hi guys,

So quick intro into Starry9:
1) Was hit from behind in car accident last year- went through huge ordeal and a slew of docs. Led to ton of pains, anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, various issues and urinary symptoms ranging from retention to frequency to now some dribbling and leaking

2) I guess I do kinda enjoy diapers- diapers are far more preferable to what I went through. Being totally unable to pee is NOT FUN! And Extremely Scary!
I found being 'little', regressing, and cuddling with my teddy to be literally a lifesaver when I was at my lowest points and having raging terrifying flashback episodes

3) what i like? running/hiking or otherwise being able to walk- god i love it! After my accident I had more and more difficulty walking even standing. I had to use a walker - which was kinda depressing for me being so young. And I also enjoy playing video games or solving problems

4) what i expect and why im here? Well I like a lot of the forum posts here and hope to enjoy everyones company here. I hope to have some support and offer some in turn. And maybe get some more advice on diapers and few tidbits about incont. but anyways- mainly just have fun

Starry Hello!

Parent found one of my diapers.

I live with my mother and she found a used diaper of mine in the bin this morning and questioned me about it. She thought it was for medical reasons and said she would book me a doctors appointment but I told her they weren't for medical reasons but she didn't understand. She has gone out for the day and said she wants to talk when she comes back.
She seems like a tolerant person but I do not know how to explain this to her. I suffer from social anxiety and really panic at the thought of coming out as gay to her and this just seems a hell of a lot worse. The most annoying thing is that she was planning to go out today before and I was going to properly dispose of the diaper after she had left... I just really need some advice and tips on what to say.
Parent found one of my diapers.

My parents found out about my diaper fetish/love

It had to happen some time... and it happened not long ago this month. My dad didn't care at all but my mom...... oh dear. Her first words were and I quote, "Do I need to call 911?" like.. what? Call 911? What for? To waste their time? I just hope diapers, furries, and men wearing panties, one day doesn't become a mental health case if the parents find out. Even my therapist asked if it was a kin/fetish... I said yeah but I didn't tell him about it. He found out through my mother. Now it may seem my mother is an overractive bad mom, but trust me I love her even though she, my aunt, and people, have put me through a lot lately. I am not a victim of anything but half truths and deception of others. I do not care what happens to me and maybe that is my issue. I take care of my physical body with showers, good food, vitamins, water, etc, but mentally I just let things hurt me which isn't good. I'm working on it because I want to take better care of my mental health as a normal teenager coming to adulthood (I'm 19, last year as a teen D:) and I am feeling old. Now, before someone ignorantly says, "19?? That is not old! I'm 60!" or whatever they might say, I just FEEL old and it is not something I want to feel, yet I do because I want to try to be mature more frequently and to keep my cool. Random question, what is the best diaper for someone who doesn't mess but does wet?
My parents found out about my diaper fetish/love


I was wondering how Meany people here have heard of Aromantic.
what I have been reading I think I fall under
Aromantic - Asexual

Hello! ☺

samedi 22 août 2015


I'm starting to find out about myself each and every day. I am 18 and am starting college 😲😓 in a short while.

Besides being a DL, I an really into music, art, and just about anything food. I also love to swim, it is my favorite thing to beat the summer heat!

Anyways, I am learning more about my likes and dislikes each day, as I have said. I'm extremely open to ideas and what people say, and am always willing to give my two cents. 😊

Sorry for such a long intro! 😅

Hello! ☺

What is your favorite piece of AB clothing that you own?

There are a lot of companies that tailor to ABDLs and offer various types of clothing (onesies, footed sleepers, overalls, diaper covers etc.). These items are generally expensive and it is hard to know just from pictures what you are getting. A lot of people have limited budgets and can't afford to try a lot of things.

So what is your favorite piece of ABDL clothing that you own? Provide a link if possible. I personally don't own anything yet :sad:.
What is your favorite piece of AB clothing that you own?

PS4 - Elder Scrolls Unlimited players?

Any other 'littles' play ESO on their PS4s? MyPS ID is xander91107
PS4 - Elder Scrolls Unlimited players?

Re: My introduction


I work in the sphere of education and have experience living abroad and speak 5 languages plus a few words in others.

I'm interested in travelling, modern history, transport and global affairs as well as cinema and transport.

I'm sociable and like real conversations - not just with one word answers but talking about things

So, what brings me here?

Well, I don't really know. Living alone and the freedom. I guess I just wanted to wear diapers again - they're a kind of stress relief.

So, I work in the sphere of education, as I've previously said and anything else you'd like to know, just send me a message to my Inbox

And Why I joined this site - really to meet like-minded people and well, we'll wait and see!

Looking forward to meeting you all!
Re: My introduction

YouTube Videos Don't Display

So ever since I upgraded to Windows 7 a week ago or whenever it was, for some reason youtube videos won't display. Like the audio is fine but the video is just black. It was fine in Windows 2000 but it won't work properly in 7.

And even weirder, when I'm on a different tab on my web browser and I hover the mouse over to the youtube page, I can see the video (just a still image obviously but it's there) and the same happens with that preview thing when you hover the mouse over minimized stuff.

I have a feeling it may be my graphics card (nvidia geforce FX5200) since it isn't supported in Windows 7 but I can't find a better one for my AGP system for a decent price. So could it be the graphics card? I've installed the vista drivers since those are the latest ones you can get but I still have the issue. Not too sure what to do. Oh and I've tried different web browsers and none of them work.
YouTube Videos Don't Display